Chemical Detection on the move with Austrian Army

On 24th of April 2019, SEC Technologies has hosted a military trials together with Austrian Army and its CBRN Unit close to Korneuburg, Austria. The main purpose of the trials was detection on the move as well as static measurement in real conditions. We were very lucky with the weather conditions this time in otherwise very challenging area chosen by military for chemical detection. With gyro stabilized FALCON 4G mounted on the vehicle driving on the tarmac road in the Austrian field we had quite a few obstacles on the way. Traffic of the busy road, electric pols and power grids crossing the path, blocking the view at some points during the measurement as well as natural vegetation have tested how in reality stand-off chemical detection would look like. The release of SF6 and Ammonia simultaneously was conducted in the fenced area with buildings, trees, train wagon and various other objects. The vehicle was driving on the curved field road between two points 1000 and 1600m away from the release site. Measuring path was crossing the area of the fertilizer production company. All the tests were conducted under the supervision of CBRN experts from Federal Ministry of Defense. FALCON 4G, this time on gyro stabilized platform, has once again proven its high sensitivity in realistic conditions. Detailed report is available on request.

Real test of the Falcon 4G detector